Helium 10 – How To Find A Profitable Product for Amazon

Find a Successful Amazon Product with Helium 10 Black Box

Do you want to sell a product on Amazon that will give you sustainable profits? This isn’t something you can guess at. You need Helium 10 for the metrics! Watch this video for a deep dive into Helium 10’s Tool, Black Box, that will help you find your next top product for Amazon or Walmart.


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Video Script:

I bet you want to sell a product on Amazon that is successful from the start and sustainable long-term. This isn’t something you can guess at. You need to look at the numbers. By using Helium 10’s fantastic tools, we can figure out what products you should be looking at and how to see if they’ll actually be a successful product for you.

I’m going to start with two tools inside Helium 10’s Black Box to help you find a successful product:

  • Products Tab
  • Keywords Tab


I am assuming you’re selling a unique product on Amazon. This could be something that you are creating yourself or you’re sourcing from a site like Alibaba.

Then I’ll round the video out with how to validate the products you found using metrics from industry experts. 

Let’s dive in.

Black Box Products Tab - Filtering

[00:01:34] Okay. So let’s dive into Black Box. From my dashboard, I will be going to Black Box, Amazon’s product research tool. 

At the top, you’ll see that I can choose which Amazon marketplace I plan to sell in. You will get different search results, different revenue. There could very easily be different keywords and different systems of measurement, depending on where you are looking.

We’re going to stick to Amazon dot com. Also real quick, at the top, you can remember your last search and you can save filters. Which is a great way to remember what you want to search on a regular basis, because Black Box is constantly updating. So every time you search, you might get something a little different.

When you decide you want to go into Amazon, you might already have a product idea in mind. And if you do, jump to the validation part of this video. 

The reality is that you might not have any success with a product that you have your heart set on. You really need to see what people are searching for, what is trending, what is making money and where you can compete.

So looking at Black Box, I am going to choose a couple categories that perhaps I could sell in. Let’s say I’m looking at selling some office products. Maybe I’m willing to sell tools, home improvement, and some toys and games. So those are categories that I’m going to feel comfortable selling in. And these numbers I’m putting in here are just for example, your metrics are going to be unique to you and what you define success as.

And it also really depends on the product you’re selling and the competition in that niche. So I think I want a minimum monthly revenue – this is the average monthly revenue within these product categories – of $5,000. And I want products that are something that I could afford to buy multiple rounds of inventory for before making any money off of.

So I’m going to keep my price low, but not too low. Still want to see a margin. And again, these are arbitrary numbers. I’m going to do 20 to $55 products, maybe 25. 

Now a review count gives you a good idea of your opportunity in that niche. If all the products have a huge amount of reviews it’s going to be hard to get into it.

So I want to limit the products I’m looking at that are making over 5,000 a month in this price range to 60 reviews. And I want the review rating to be something under four. Let’s do 3.9 to see if I can find anything that has 60 reviews that aren’t the best, but the product is still selling over $5,000 worth of product a month. So let’s just start there. 

We won’t even get into the advanced filters and see what I find. I’ll hit search.

Black Box Products Tab - Get Less than 200 Search Results

[00:04:30] I got over 200 products. And what that means is that I maxed out the search. Maximum search for Black Box is 200 products. So I need to narrow things down a little bit.

And there are lots of advanced filters I could use. Perhaps I want to look at:

Sales year over year –  This helps me know if this product is an evergreen product or if it’s trending downwards or upwards. 

Sales change – A lot of people like to look at bestsellers rank, which gives you an idea of how well the product is selling. Variation count.

Variation count is how many variations the product has and to keep it simple as a beginner, I don’t want anything that has variations. So I’m going to say a maximum of one variation. 

I could be very specific. I could search for keywords or a brand or a specific seller. I could exclude keywords brands and sellers, but I’m not going to do those.

I’m not going to touch the price change percentage. 

Maybe I want to limit the amount of sellers selling this product. And this is really important because if there are a lot of sellers for a product, it’s a good chance it’s a commodity product. You want something unique. So you don’t want too many sellers selling that type of product.

Unless you’re doing retail arbitrage, and then maybe you want lots of sellers, so you can jump in there with them. So let’s say maximum sellers are two. 

So I’m going to limit the number of images now. And by limiting the number of images, that’s really a good factor in knowing whether or not the listings are well optimized. A well optimized listing will have seven or more images. So let’s say that these products have a maximum of three images. 

And I ended with 11 products. 

Black Box Products Tab - Looking At Findings

[00:06:16] So let’s see what I found. 

I don’t think I want to sell a control board replacement. 

Mold killing primer. Might be hard to source. 

Bubbles for dogs. Okay. This one’s interesting. Let’s look at bubbles for dogs. 

So we have two sellers here. Price is 30 bucks. We can check that and see if it’s changed over time. It has changed a little, all-time. This product started back in June, 2021, and they’ve gone all the way up to almost $45 and currently are selling at about $30.

They have about 259 monthly sales. We can look at that and see how that’s been trending. And that’s been pretty solid. It’s trending upwards. You can kind of see that throughout the years. Hasn’t been bad. So they have a monthly revenue over 5,000 and they only have an average of 3.8 for their reviews and they have 52 reviews.

So there is opportunity here. 

So let’s look into this product. We can go straight to the product out of Black Box and see what in the world it is. 

From the get go I see that, like my search filters, I only have three images. Two off dogs eating bubbles. These are called lifestyle images, which are great. 

This main image is actually terrible. It should be in a white background and Amazon does not want you showing packaging in your main image. Either the main image should just be the product with a white background. So lots of opportunities to blast this listing out of the park. 

So for the sake of time, I’m just going to stick with this one product, but that is how you can use the product tab. It’ll help you find products within certain metrics that matter to you. And I would suggest doing this multiple times with different metrics until you find enough products, let’s say 10, that you think are worth looking into further, and that we’ll be validating them on a variety of metrics. And also seeing if it’s even possible to source them.

Black Box Keywords Tab - Filtering

[00:08:47] Finding the right keywords is the key to success on Amazon. You may think it’s products, but it’s really what are people searching for and how likely can you get a product at the front or the top of that search result. 

So we’re going to use keywords to see what keyword niche we should be competing in.

So let’s start with a search volume of 3000 minimum. 

Let’s look for something that has a monthly revenue of 5,000. 

Let’s just put it at an arbitrary price. I’m going to say, I want something between 30 to $60. 

I could search again by different categories to limit myself down, but we’re just going to keep it broad to start.

I could exclude certain keywords.

Again, I’m going to put a maximum of two sellers per product because I do not want a commodity product. 

I could do BSR. 

I want to do variations again. I’m going to do one variation. 

And again, so many filters. 

Black Box Reviews Tab - Advanced Filters

[00:09:40] Then down at the bottom here, these three filters. They will really help you dial in what you’re looking for. These are based on the top 10 competitors for that keyword search. And they’re looking at the minimum revenue for those top 10 competitors, their ratings and their reviews.

So this is much more accurate and specific than the broad filters, because this is only for those top 10. 

Let’s say that I want the top 10 competitors to also have a maximum of 3000 reviews with a maximum of 3.9 average on the ratings. 

We’re down to 24 phrases.

Black Box Reviews Tab - Search Results

[00:10:31] Let’s see if any of these are phrases I could use. 

So here I’m looking at “get well soon” as a keyword in the kitchen and dining category. 

  • Average sellers are two.
  • It’s been around for 21 months. That means for 21 months, people have been searching for this. 
  • It has over 2,500 searches a month on average. 
  • It has a monthly revenue of nearly $20,000. 


Let’s look at what this is. So view this keyword on Amazon. Get well soon. Let’s see what shows up. Interesting. 

So “get well soon” covers “get well soon” gifts. Looks like goody packs and there could be a lot of opportunities here.

There’s also a lot of variety in this keyword, so that could be interesting. But if you were going for “get well soon” as your keyword, we could see if there’s any valid products within that keyword phrase.

Validating Your Potential Products with Helium 10

[00:11:41] You can validate your products as you find them in Black Box, or you can compile a list and validate them all at once. Your metrics will obviously be yours. You define your success and each niche and each product will have different metrics, but here are some industry expert recommendations and a place to start:

There are multiple tools in Helium 10 that can provide a lot of this information, but I’ll mostly be using X-ray. X-ray is available in the Helium 10 free extension. So if you haven’t downloaded that, check it out. 

We’re going to look at the “get well soon” product niche.

First thing we’ll do is go to X-ray.

X-ray gives you some shortcuts right out the bat. Right up here, I can see that 10 of the top 10 products have a revenue over 5,000. That means that there’s good money being made in this niche. And this four says the four of the top 10 products have under 75 reviews. That means that there is some opportunity there for me to get in. These are just some quick shortcuts, but we’re going to go a little deeper than that.

Over here. I want to look at BSR. BSR is bestseller rank and the lower the number, the better. And all this is really telling me is how well these products are selling. What is their sales velocity? And what I want to see is that a few of the products in the top 10 have a BSR of 10,000 or lower. And I can see that a few here do so that is solid. 

The next thing I want to look at is how many products are selling over 500 to 600 sales a month. Out of the top 10, about seven of them are selling over 700 products a month, which is good.

And let’s see if those sales are trending upwards. So let’s look at a few of these products. On their sales graph I can see an upward trend in the last 30 days. And they’ve had an upwards trend since they started back in late 2020. Let’s look at a couple more. This one also has, it’s had a bit of a dip right now, but let’s look all time. Still. Average trend is upwards, so that’s looking great. 

Another thing you want to look at is if your search results include a lot of big brands, you don’t want to go up against big brands. That will be very challenging. And in this one, there aren’t really any brands. So again, opportunity. 

Another thing to look at are how many reviews the top products have, because if there are some dominant reviewed products, people are more likely to go for that product. Looking at the top 10, we have quite a range here. We have nothing that is dominant in reviews. We don’t have anything that has thousands of reviews. And we have quite a few that don’t have many reviews at all. And the ratings are pretty good, so that will be harder to compete against, but considering how many don’t have that many reviews. And I still see opportunity here.

So the next piece you want to look at is whether or not this keyword is saturated, and that may be a problem here. And what that means is you want to see if the top 60 products are all related to the keyword search that you did. There’s kind of a range in this one. So it was a little harder to see if as a saturated keyword. 

But another piece that helps is going and looking on Alibaba. And if Alibaba has a lot of products related that is also a sure sign that it isn’t a good niche to go into. And Alibaba doesn’t specifically, they have these plushies, but I’m not seeing very many “get well soon” plushies in the top searches and most of the top searches are actually more of the gift bag variety. I think this is probably not an Alibaba specific product. These are more unique than that.

I also want to look at the prices. I want to make sure that there is a price range because that gives any seller more opportunity to price wherever you want. And it lets you know that it is not a commoditized product, meaning you have a better chance of getting more margins. And right here off the bat, you can see that there’s quite a price range. We have $14, $49, $30. That is a good sign as well.

Another thing you want to look at is how old are these products because if the products have been around for a long time. They’ve built more history with Amazon. Usually you’ll see more product reviews and their listings are more guaranteed to hold their spots and ranking. And over here I can go to the creation date and I can see that a lot of these were just made in the last year or two. That’s a good sign.

Validating Your Potential Products - Digging Deeper with Helium 10

[00:16:30] So if you’re seeing solid possibilities with the metrics we’ve currently gone through, then you can dig a little deeper. We can actually go to these products and see how well optimized their listings are.

Look at the top 10. See what opportunity there is for you to get your product into the top 10.

This one has a high listing health score. This is provided by the Helium 10’s free extension. And it would be a little hard to compete with that, but they only have three images. So I see opportunity right there. They have full bullet points. They’re a little too long and not the greatest product description. That’s a lot of text. So I see opportunity with that one. 

Let’s check another one. Okay. This one has four images again. You want seven images minimum. And if you can add a video that’s even better. And I’m sure if I look at the product health score, that is one of the problems, fewer than seven images, they have way too many bullet points. And again, not a good description. So far I’m seeing that if you provided A plus content and provided more pictures, you would have a decent opportunity to get your listing well ranked, if you optimize for the correct keywords and persuasive copy. 

Another thing you want to look at is how many of the top competitors are out of China. You can go to their storefront. Who was it sold by? And it’ll give you an address of where that’s coming from. You usually don’t want to compete against Chinese sellers because they are able to ship the product and source it more cheaply than you can. 

So on the whole, this keyword has solid potential. I have a little concern that it might be saturated. And it’s a little hard because each one is so unique in what they’re offering.

We know that roughly 4,408 people are searching this keyword every month. And if we look all time, it has had a pretty large surge since the beginning of the pandemic and has continued moving forward. And will probably keep going.

So if you want to jump into the “get well soon” keyword, we have gone through the validation process. And now it’d be time for you to look into your profit margin and sourcing.


[00:18:49] I hope this helped you find a solid product to sell on Amazon. Clearly, I wouldn’t do these reviews if I didn’t think that Helium 10 was an amazing product for any Amazon seller, whether you are beginning or you are an expert, Helium 10’s suite of tools provides you everything you need.

And if you are considering selling on Amazon, starting now with a tool that provides you solid research and metrics on potential products will set you off on the right foot from the beginning. 

Check my link for 20% off your first 6 months of Helium 10 or 10% off your monthly subscription. They have a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no harm in trying this. 

And at a minimum download their free extension. That provides you the listing analyzer on each listing you look at and X-ray along with multiple other tools. It is a fantastic free resource that Helium 10 provides any potential seller.

Since I share side hustles like affiliate marketing strategies with awesome people like you, my content naturally will contain affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.

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